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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
United States located in the middle of the North American continent, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Country United States stretching from the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast to the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, including the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific, the state of Alaska in the north end of the American continent, and several other territories.

Having long been a British colony, the United States freed itself on July 4, 1776 after fighting against the British. July 4, then celebrated as the anniversary of the United States who later adopted the principles of democracy and republican form of state.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 01:40 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: knowledge
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
isaac newton
Sir Isaac Newton FRS (born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire Hamlet in the county, January 4, 1643 - died March 31, 1727 at the age of 84 years; KJ: December 25, 1642 - March 20, 1727) is a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alkimiwan, and theologians who came from England. He is the heliocentric and the followers of the most influential scientists throughout history, even said to be the father of classical physics. [1] works his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687 is considered the most influential book in the history of science. This book laid the foundations of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described the law of gravity and three laws of motion that dominates the view of science of the universe for three centuries. Newton was able to show that the motion of objects on Earth and objects other space governed by a set of natural laws the same. He proved it by showing the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion with the theory of gravity. His work eventually menyirnakan doubt scientists will heliosentrisme and promote scientific revolution.

In the field of mechanics, Newton sparked the principle of conservation of momentum and angular momentum. In the field of optics, he successfully built the first reflecting telescope [2] and developed a theory of color based on the observation that a glass prism to split white light into other colors. He also formulated the law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.

In mathematics too, along with the work of Gottfried Leibniz is done separately, Newton developed differential calculus and integral calculus. He also managed to describe the binomial theory, developed "Newton's method" to approach a zero value of a function, and contribute to the study of power series.

Even now, Newton is still very influential among scientists. A survey in 2005 that questioned the scientists and the general public at the Royal Society of who contributed more to science, whether Newton or Albert Einstein, showed that Newton considered to provide a greater contribution.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 01:39 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: knowledge
Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009
caring for ornamental fish

Here is a series of tips and useful guide for beginners to live ornamental fish keeping hobby. Certain ornamental fish species can live in a very long time if cared for properly. Therefore, you must have a long-term commitment before you start maintaining Fresh Water Ornamental Fish.
Here are the steps you need to do before you begin to fish:

1. Find information as possible before buying the fish. Consider the following factors:
1. How big fish when adult, and if you have an aquarium large enough to accommodate the body size of fish as an adult.
2. Find out about the water temperature, pH range and so on
3. What kind of food you eat fish
4. Temperament of fish species. Are certain species suitable for fish, coupled with your existing or want to maintain in the future. This factor is often overlooked by penghobist.
5. Is the species you will be able to keep the breed quickly? If so, do you have the equipment at the time of breeding fish?
6. Do fish to be purchased susceptible to certain diseases?

2. Buy a fish tank as big as possible in accordance with the budget and space you have. Causing large aquarium water in the aquarium more stable. For example, if the heating temperature is broken, and the shops were closed Selling fish, water temperature will be more stable in a large aquarium.
3. Learn about the aquarium nitrogen cycle if you want Ornamental Fish Farming. This important process you must understand if you want to succeed in maintaining freshwater fish.
4. Learn aquarium equipment before you buy or do Ornamental Fish Farming.
5. If you love to read, buy books on freshwater fish. Reading books is the fastest way to get the information you need to maintain Fresh Water Ornamental Fish. Magazine subscription Fresh Water Fish and aquarium also is one easy way to get tips and you continue to learn new things in this hobby, you can also ask the pad aPenJual Ornamental Fish
6. Provide many hiding places for fish. Hiding places will be refuge for fish and will reduce stress levels such ikan.peralatan can be found at the Fish & Retail Stores Ornamental Fish.
7. Sell aquarium water test kit to monitor the aquarium nitrogen cycle. You can buy a test kit to test ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH. You also need to test tap water when using piped water.
8. Do not put the aquarium in the window. Sunlight entering the tank will cause the explosion of green algae. Direct sunlight will also cause the water temperature increases in the aquarium.
9. Do not follow the rules 1inci fish per 1 gallon of water. A better rule is 1 inch of fish per 2-3 gallons of water.
10. Deklorinasi doing tap water before it is inserted into the same aquarium fishmonger asked Ornamental deh because they know more about what it deklorinasi hehe ..
11. Sell aquarium filter in Fish & Retail Stores Ornamental Fish with several cartridges, so you can replace one when it's dirty.
12. Do not rinse the filter with tap water. Use the water in the aquarium that you have the time to change the water filter Fresh Water Fish. Kloramin in chlorine and tap water will kill the bacteria-killing nitrites and nitrates in the filter.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 01:26 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: fish
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Komodo is the largest land reptiles in the world. These animals, including endangered animals because these animals are endemic animals. Endemic means, these animals only live in certain areas. Komodo dragons live only on an island called Komodo Island, Indonesia.

Komodo including carnivorous animals, this animal has a shape slightly elongated tongues and forked at the ends like a snake's tongue. Research shows that the tip of the forked tongue serves to "taste" food. These animals usually make their nests underground.

Komodo is a very unique animal because he has two ways to reproduce. First, by way of fertilization (conception) between males and komodo komodo females. This is the way of sexual reproduction. The second way is through "parthenogenesis". This allows a female komodo become pregnant without going through the process of fertilization. However, "parthenogenesis" cause all the eggs that were born through "parthenogenesis" will be a Komodo dragon that is always the male gender. "Parthenogenesis" is expected to function to prevent the extinction of komodo.

Many people say, komodo dragons are close relatives of dinosaurs. It is seen from the discovery of fossils of certain dinosaur species which showed similarity with the Komodo dragon's body structure. Estimated Komodo dragon is one of many "living fossils" and witness the history of the extinction of the dinosaurs. If this is true, most likely, parthenogenesis reproductive system is what causes the persistence of this species from the threat of extinction. Now, the Komodo dragon population is very small, and this species has been listed as one of the hundreds of animal species threatened with extinction.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 20:30 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: komodo
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
In the field of oceanography, waves known as a wave in the (internal wave). This phenomenon is also in the field of meteorology, where the wave propagates at the interface layer between the warm air and cold (see pictures here and here, because these two disciplines have much in common it is equally engaged with the fluid. The meteorologists more more involved with the fluid in the form of atmospheric gases, whereas oceanography experts more involved with the fluid in liquid form that is salt water.

Discussion of the wave in oceanography in general can be divided into 2 parts of the surface waves and internal waves. Surface wave is a phenomenon that we will see when observing the sea level, and commonly referred to as waves. One factor is the cause gusts of wind waves, besides there are also other factors such as ocean tides are the result of months and the attractions of the sun.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 20:15 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: knowledge
Senin, 05 Oktober 2009
turtle ship

turtle ship Geobukseon [거북선] is a big battleship type of Panokseon class used by the Navy in the Korean Joseon Dynasty from the early centuries ke15 until the 19th century.

Warship Turtle created the first generation in the year 1413 until 1415, recorded in the Chronicle of Joseon Dynasty (Joseon Wangjo Sillok) as a "ship spear". This type of ship used against Japanese pirates disruption in coastal areas. Type the first ship was then abandoned for a long time due to lack of danger and the state in conditions of peace long enough and also not been used in maritime military operations.

The turtle ship is famous for winning many battles during the Japanese invasions of Korea in 1592-1598 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Ship Type tortoise known today was designed by Admiral Yi Sun shin. The turtle ship at age 5 was equipped with cannons, has a roof made of wood and equipped with "thorns" big and sharp. While on his head made the figure of a dragon.
Diposkan oleh jacko di 19:59 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: knowledge
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
Genetika modern

Modern Genetics
Biology Class 3> Genetics

As the substance of heredity is now known as nucleic acids, namely:

• Eden (Deoxiribose Nucleic Acid).
• ARN (Ribose Nucleic Acid).

consists of two mutually twisted ribbon (Double Stranded DNA = DS-DNA) Þ-called "Double Helix" that the model was first created by JAMES D. WATSON (United States) and Francis Crick (England) in 1953, improved the model by Wilkins.

If the DNA is done SINGLE TRANSCRIPTION stranded form (SS-DNA). DNA is composed of many nucleotides.

STONE "nucleotide" consists of

- One molecule of sugar (in this case is "deoxyribose" or "ribose").
- One molecule of phosphate.
- A molecular bases of nitrogen (nitrogenous bases are of two types of)
a. Þ purine adenine and guanine.
b. Þ pyrimidines thymine, cytosine and uracil.

One molecule of sugar and one molecule of base is called "nucleoside"
Diposkan oleh jacko di 23:46 0 komentar Link ke posting ini
Label: knowledge

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