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Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Big Problem With a Natural Solution
Do you lie awake at night tossing and turning? Do you count sheep until you’re so tired of seeing sheep you wish you never saw another sheep?

Do you have insomnia?

Perhaps you’re always tired. Always feel like you need a good few hours sleep, but can’t get it.

Maybe your relationship is suffering because your tossing and turning all night disturbs your partner. Maybe you’re grumpy when you’re tired and your partner has had enough of your bad moods.

Insomnia can be a huge problem. And if you have it it’s probably a huge problem for you right now. Maybe it’s causing you some physical or mental health problems for example.

Everyone has the odd night when they spend some time awake. Maybe there is something on your mind, something to worry about. Perhaps you took a nap in the afternoon and you can’t sleep as well at night now.

But there is a big difference between the odd night’s interrupted sleep and night after night of sleeplessness.

Insomnia can come in many forms. Maybe you spend hours at night before you get to sleep for the first time. Perhaps you can get to sleep fine but wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. Or perhaps you sleep fine till early morning then can’t sleep after 4 or 5 am.

There are many causes of sleeplessness. There are medical conditions which can cause insomnia as a side effect of the condition, and there are also medications which can have the same effect.

Or your body may have just learned a pattern of not sleeping, and unlearning it can be extremely difficult.

And like the causes there are also a wide range of remedies for insomnia. For example there are many prescription drugs that can be prescribed for sleeplessness. However many people are suspicious of prescription drugs and don’t want to rely on a drug which they may end up taking for a long time.

If you’re worried about your inability to sleep well at night a visit to the doctor is well worthwhile. You may have an underlying medical condition that needs treating. But if you’re just suffering from sleeplessness there is good news.

There are many excellent natural cures for insomnia that work well, and are inexpensive or free. Often a simple change of routines can be enough to break the cycle of sleeplessness, and if that doesn’t work there are many other natural remedies for insomnia worth trying.