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Wednesday, September 30, 2009



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We often come across issues in our day- to- day lives, which are related to our professional environment and our personal lives. A practical and strategic outlook is imperative while coming up with a methodology which is best suited in resolving an issue.

September 30th, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Boutique Staff Sales Contest
Having a sales contest for employees can help motivate them to sell. Having a little competition between employees can improve morale, help them to avoid boredom, and also help you to identify weaknesses and strengths in your staff. Train your staff to help them be successful. Use their customer interactions as coaching moments to improve the level of customer service that your employees provide.

Continue reading Boutique Staff Sales Contest
September 29th, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Overview of Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding
There are many types of welding that are available to learn today and MIG is one of those types. This type of welding dates back to 1940s when it was discovered to weld aluminum and other types of non-ferrous metals.

Continue reading Overview of Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding
September 28th, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Potential of an exquisite logo in business
In the era of globalization, many entrepreneurs have entered the business world. The globalization has made it feasible for these marketers to promote their businesses at the worldwide level. This has given rise to competition in the marketplace.

Continue reading Potential of an exquisite logo in business
September 27th, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Large Scale Commercial Development

Large scale development refers to any such building that has an area with 9000 square footprint or greater or 5 stories in height or more; while a commercial development refers to any commercial building area including outdoor display and sales area with the above mentioned area size.

Continue reading Large Scale Commercial Development
September 26th, 2009 | Category: Business, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Call Centre India
Domestic Outsourcing Partner Where overseas outsourcing has already gained a mature market, domestic outsourcing is gaining momentum for emerging nations like India where both the main business and the freelance contractor are located in the same nation. One of the primary reasons for outsourcing is to lower expenses in terms of labor, infrastructure and technology.

Continue reading Call Centre India
September 25th, 2009 | Category: Business, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Hinduja Global Solutions Ltd (HGSL) partners with Sistema Tele
Hinduja Global Solutions Ltd (HGSL) a part of Hinduja Group, announced a strategic partnership with Sistema Shyam TeleServices for managing the Telecom Service Provider’s operations. Under this partnership HGSL will manage the customer care operations of their MTS brand in Chennai.

Continue reading Hinduja Global Solutions Ltd (HGSL) partners with Sistema Tele
September 24th, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Marketing, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Customer Service is the Start of Success
Participant in the major and proactive forums. Obviously, there are many resources stating that participating in the forums is a great way to generate free traffic to your website. However, with this affiliate marketing ideas, I highly recommend you to choose the forums before joining those forums; even they are free to join.

Continue reading Customer Service is the Start of Success
September 23rd, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
CRM software: is yours a cash cow or a white elephant?
IN THE realm of business software, few — if any — class of product is as criminally under-utilized as customer service management solutions.

Continue reading CRM software: is yours a cash cow or a white elephant?
September 22nd, 2009 | Category: Costumer Service, Services, Strategi | Leave a comment
Word of Mouth Marketing

If you are involved in business, then you should know that advertising and marketing isn’t only about appealing to customers. It’s about keeping them satisfied and actually maintaining a relationship with them. This is one of the most vital steps in any marketing strategy, yet one of the most overlooked.

Continue reading Word of Mouth Marketing


* Meganthropus Paleojavanicus,
* Pithecanthropus Erectus,
* Homo

[sunting] Ciri–ciri manusia purba Indonesia

1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus
* Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
* Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
* Memiliki tonjolan kening yang menyolok
* Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam
* Tidak memiliki dagu
* Memiliki perawakan yang tegap
* Memakan jenis tumbuhan
2. Pithecanthropus
* Tinggi badan sekitar 165 – 180 cm
* Volume otak berkisar antara 750 – 1350 cc
* Bentuk tubuh & anggota badan tegap
* Alat pengunyah dan alat tengkuk sangat kuat
* Bentuk graham besar dengan rahang yang sangat kuat
* Bentuk tonjolan kening tebal
* Bentuk hidung tebal
* Bagian belakang kepala tampak menonjol
3. Homo
* Volume otaknya antara 1000 – 1200 cc
* Tinggi badan antara 130 – 210 cm
* Otot tengkuk mengalami penyusutan
* Muka tidak menonjol kedepan
* Berdiri tegak dan berjalan lebih sempurna

[sunting] Hasil budaya manusia purba Indonesia

* Pithecanthropus Erectus

1. Kapak perimbas
2. Kapak penetak
3. Kapak gengam
4. Pahat gengam
5. Alat serpih
6. Alat-alat tulang

* Homo

1. Kapak gengam / Kapak perimbas
2. Alat serpih
3. Alat–alat tulang

[sunting] Ciri-ciri

* Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

1. Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
2. Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
3. Memiliki tonjolan kening yang menyolok
4. Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam
5. Tidak memiliki dagu
6. Memiliki perawakan yang tegap
7. Memakan jenis tumbuhan

* Pithecanthropus Erectus

1. Tinggi badan sekitar 165 - 180 cm
2. Volume otak berkisar antara 750 - 1350 cc
3. Bentuk tubuh & anggota badan tegap tetapi tidak setegap megantropus.
4. Alat pengunyah dan alat tengkuk tidak sekuat megantropus.
5. Bentuk graham besar dengan rahang yang sangat kuat
6. Bentuk tonjolan kening tebal melintang di dahi dari sisi ke sisi.
7. Bentuk hidung tebal
8. Bagian belakang kepala tampak menonjol menyerupai wanita berkonde.

1. muka menonjol ke depan,dahi miring ke belakang

* Homo

1. Volume otaknya antara 1000 - 1200 cc
2. Tinggi badan antara 130 - 210 cm
3. Otot tengkuk mengalami penyusutan
4. Muka tidak menonjol kedepan
5. Berdiri tegak dan berjalan lebih sempurna


* Meganthropus Paleojavanicus,
* Pithecanthropus Erectus,
* Homo

[sunting] Ciri–ciri manusia purba Indonesia

1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus
* Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
* Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
* Memiliki tonjolan kening yang menyolok
* Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam
* Tidak memiliki dagu
* Memiliki perawakan yang tegap
* Memakan jenis tumbuhan
2. Pithecanthropus
* Tinggi badan sekitar 165 – 180 cm
* Volume otak berkisar antara 750 – 1350 cc
* Bentuk tubuh & anggota badan tegap
* Alat pengunyah dan alat tengkuk sangat kuat
* Bentuk graham besar dengan rahang yang sangat kuat
* Bentuk tonjolan kening tebal
* Bentuk hidung tebal
* Bagian belakang kepala tampak menonjol
3. Homo
* Volume otaknya antara 1000 – 1200 cc
* Tinggi badan antara 130 – 210 cm
* Otot tengkuk mengalami penyusutan
* Muka tidak menonjol kedepan
* Berdiri tegak dan berjalan lebih sempurna

[sunting] Hasil budaya manusia purba Indonesia

* Pithecanthropus Erectus

1. Kapak perimbas
2. Kapak penetak
3. Kapak gengam
4. Pahat gengam
5. Alat serpih
6. Alat-alat tulang

* Homo

1. Kapak gengam / Kapak perimbas
2. Alat serpih
3. Alat–alat tulang

[sunting] Ciri-ciri

* Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

1. Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
2. Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
3. Memiliki tonjolan kening yang menyolok
4. Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam
5. Tidak memiliki dagu
6. Memiliki perawakan yang tegap
7. Memakan jenis tumbuhan

* Pithecanthropus Erectus

1. Tinggi badan sekitar 165 - 180 cm
2. Volume otak berkisar antara 750 - 1350 cc
3. Bentuk tubuh & anggota badan tegap tetapi tidak setegap megantropus.
4. Alat pengunyah dan alat tengkuk tidak sekuat megantropus.
5. Bentuk graham besar dengan rahang yang sangat kuat
6. Bentuk tonjolan kening tebal melintang di dahi dari sisi ke sisi.
7. Bentuk hidung tebal
8. Bagian belakang kepala tampak menonjol menyerupai wanita berkonde.

1. muka menonjol ke depan,dahi miring ke belakang

* Homo

1. Volume otaknya antara 1000 - 1200 cc
2. Tinggi badan antara 130 - 210 cm
3. Otot tengkuk mengalami penyusutan
4. Muka tidak menonjol kedepan
5. Berdiri tegak dan berjalan lebih sempurna

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


before she starts squirting

A woman’s ejaculate is expelled from the urethra, the same place where urine comes out from. And although studies have found that the clear liquid is not urine at all (the juice is released from the Skene’s glands, or urethral sponge), if your girl doesn’t have complete control over her PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, there is [...]
August 3rd, 2009 | Category: Education, Health, School, beauty tips, woman tips | 3 comments
How the Children Learning Disabilities Make The Grade In The Doctor’s Vision Tests

If you search for information regarding children learning disabilities you will notice that a lot of of them describe conditions like reading difficulties, learning difficulties and dyslexia as impairment in the brain’s capability to decipher images received from the eyes or ears into languages that are understandable. These same articles assert that in these children [...]
July 2nd, 2009 | Category: Education, Health, School | Leave a comment
what is become a plumber

How You Can Become a PlumberAre you thinking of becoming a plumber? I have listed key points you should know before taking a step towards starting a career in plumbing
July 1st, 2009 | Category: Education, School, woman tips | Leave a comment

Learning Mandarin can be a enjoyable and can be a very beneficial skill. In the flourishing ecomomy, it is very vital to understand and learn Chinese language. Chinese has been playing an influential role in world business and culture as almost 900 million people are speaking chinese in the world.
May 15th, 2009 | Category: Education, Elementary School, School, University | 2 comments
How to choose the right college major: Ivy League admissions advice

While this site focuses primarily on elite college admissions, I’ve occasionally posted on broader topics, including how to choose the right college. These were pretty well received judging by the emails I received, so I’ve decided to continue writing more about the college life.
May 14th, 2009 | Category: Education, School, University | Leave a comment
Ivy League admissions: a unique way to set yourself apart and get into Harvard

Are you interested in the internet? Technology? Business? Are you simply looking to standout in college admissions? Challenge yourself to a new opportunity?Here’s an out of the box idea that will help your quest to get into Stanford: offer to be an intern at a startup!
May 13th, 2009 | Category: Education, Elementary School, School, computer | Leave a comment
Learning English through online tutoring

The demand for the English language is here to stay. So, if you are about to take up an English learning course, you had better not delay it any more.
May 12th, 2009 | Category: Education, School, University | Leave a comment
Obama’s Hundred Days

April 29 isn’t a date that would normally stand out on the calendar. This year it falls on a Wednesday, almost but not quite marking the end of the month. We suspect that most years, April 29 would slip by without most of us taking any particular notice of it.
May 11th, 2009 | Category: Education, School | Leave a comment
Learn to use the English Language like a native speaker

The study of English language is one of the most sought after courses in the world today. With developing economies like Japan and China opening its eyes to the necessity of learning English, the market is virtually flooded with the demand for quality English teachers. Many countries are hiring English teachers in large numbers while [...]
May 10th, 2009 | Category: Education, Elementary School, School | Leave a comment
Drop These 5 False Friends And Quickly Improve Your Spanish

I bet this has happened to you. You’re merrily chatting away in Spanish when suddenly, the listener’s reaction tells you that you’ve either said something silly or worse, put your foot right in it! God knows how many times it’s happened to me during my time here in beautiful Barcelona, so if you’ve ever been [...]
May 9th, 2009 | Category: Education, School, University | One comment


Golf in Germany

They sold have an extensive Golf shop. There you can find really everything you need for the golfer living needs. Much emphasis is put on the best quality, so only by well-known brand product companies in the Golfkurse is sold. They have made it their goal to provide their customers both in golf instruction as [...]
September 7th, 2009 | Category: Advertising, Business, Education, Game, Media, Travel | Leave a comment
big sale

If you are in search of a place where you will found all the child accessories like nap mats,backpacks and etc then is the right place for you. Posylane provides you a broad range of each and every item of your requirement within your budget.Lets take a look at the nap mats that they [...]
September 1st, 2009 | Category: Advertising, Business, Education, Health, Money, News, Travel, beauty tips | Leave a comment
How to Rich part 1

As a graduate student in computer science at MIT earning a $1600/month research stipend, I feel amply qualified to instruct the entire Internet on the art of becoming as rich as Bill Gates (check the Wealth Clock to see how much he has right now). I get my confidence from Dr. Leo Buscaglia, author of [...]
August 8th, 2009 | Category: Business, Education, History, News, SEO | Leave a comment
Twitter Cash Made Easy!

Discover How You Can Use Twitter To Drive More Traffic And Make More Website Sales!

What is “Twitter” exactly?
Twitter Cash Made Easy!, Twitter is one of the hottest topics out there these days. That’s because there is a buzz in the media about it. It’s also possible to drive traffic to your website, and make regular [...]
July 9th, 2009 | Category: Advertising, Business, Marketing, Money, SEO | Leave a comment
Optimization review using Ways Of SEO

1.Explain what is SEO. A search engine optimization review using Ways Of SEO :

It can be hard at times especially for a newbie learning the basics of search engine optimization. One of the worst mistakes that can be made is not thinking out the tasks ahead thoroughly. Way Of SEO you to do all [...]
July 2nd, 2009 | Category: Business, SEO | Leave a comment



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1. Yahoo Mail : Cara1 Download , Cara2 Download

2. Google Mail Download

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Monday, September 7, 2009

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Soon join the Tattoo Chat

I stumble upon this chat site that Tattoo enthusiast or Tattoo lovers would like to hang out. It is called the tattoo chat. There you’ve got to meet tons of online user s all over the world.

go to anime chat

On this topic, you can share your love of animation is a Anime chat room. What exactly is to talk about “get you,” you might say is with people are more than a chat room.
Hey, you do not talk about comics, you can create a theme, but, if you want this too.

Come join in the gamers chat mania

The new mania gamers this new website has been available specifically to meet, gather and chat inter fellow gamers to be able to exchange information and knowledge exchange item and the item required the gamers in the face of many difficulties surrounding the game, with a new term Gamers Chat

The Disadvantages Of Attending A University

We have discussed some of the wonderful advantages that university life and educations present. However, we must in turn discuss some of the other disadvantages that are associated with university learning as well. While we discuss these you should keep in mind that they do not by any means indicate that you should give up [...]

Tutorial Memasang Hit Counter di Blog

Widget blog yang satu ini cukup diminati oleh blogger karena bergunasebagai statistik blog sekaligus sebagai asesoris blog. Ada banyak situs yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk keperluan ini, mis kita pake Site Meter. Cara pasang di blog ikuti langkah berikut ini:

1. login ke Site Meter

2. lihat pada gambar, klik Sign Up, pilih Site Meter Basic Free, klik Sign Up

3. pada bagian “Your Site’s URL:” isikan URL situs/blog anda

4. pada bagian “Your Site’s Name:” isikan title situs anda atau terserah apa aja

5. pada bagian “Codename” isikan code apa saja (min 5 karakter) , kode ini nantinya akan kita gunakan sebagai user login.

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9.Klik Next

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12. Jika sukses akan muncul pesan “Success! Thank You”

13. Selanjutnya buka email, lihat apa email verifikasi dari sitemter udah masuk. Soalnya dalam email ini terdapat Codename & Password kita. Jika belum ada silahkan menunggu (max 24 jam), jika sudah ada lanjutkan ke langkah berikut.

14. Ketikkan Codename dan Password yang diberikan (email), klik Login

15. Klik pada menu Manager (sub menu Manager tampil sebelah kiri), klik sub menu Meter style dan klik radio meter pada style yang anda suka dan klik tombol Select.

16. Klik HTML Code (sub menu Manager) dan Copy/Paste pd bagian Site Meter Javascript HTML (misalnya ke sidebar blog).

17. Selesai :)

Untuk widget menambah sidebar blog lihat disini. Selamat mencoba dan jangan lupa komentarnya klu udah berhasil. Klu gak sukses juga ya :-)

Ciri–ciri manusia purba Indonesia

  1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus
    • Memiliki tulang pipi yang tebal
    • Memiliki otot kunyah yang kuat
    • Memiliki tonjolan kening yang menyolok
    • Memiliki tonjolan belakang yang tajam
    • Tidak memiliki dagu
    • Memiliki perawakan yang tegap
    • Memakan jenis tumbuhan
  2. Pithecanthropus
    • Tinggi badan sekitar 165 – 180 cm
    • Volume otak berkisar antara 750 – 1350 cc
    • Bentuk tubuh & anggota badan tegap
    • Alat pengunyah dan alat tengkuk sangat kuat
    • Bentuk graham besar dengan rahang yang sangat kuat
    • Bentuk tonjolan kening tebal
    • Bentuk hidung tebal
    • Bagian belakang kepala tampak menonjol
  3. Homo
    • Volume otaknya antara 1000 – 1200 cc
    • Tinggi badan antara 130 – 210 cm
    • Otot tengkuk mengalami penyusutan
    • Muka tidak menonjol kedepan
    • Berdiri tegak dan berjalan lebih sempurn